Today I bring you three pictures of Simba. Stay with me.
If you’ve seen The Lion King, you’ll probably agree that Simba is one adorable baby lion. So fun! So curious! So flawed and yet so loveable. To me, a new idea is like baby Simba. When one arrives, I want to rejoice and hold it up for all to behold.
This is not just for writing ideas, although I love it when a poem strikes, or a plot twist, or a blog post. My Brain Simbas are indiscriminate and address things both complex and simple. From a new form of government(!) to a new side hustle (Saturday sourdough!) to a new ice cream flavor (chorizo chocolate chunk!)(Just kidding), ideas zing into my brain abruptly, most often when I’m on a walk, driving, or sleeping. If it’s a writing idea, I’ll write it down as soon as possible so it doesn’t float away. If I’m on a walk, I will literally freeze, mid-stride, and scribble my idea into the notes section of my phone. In the car I will work it out over and over in my head until I can safely stop and jot it down. Middle of the night ideas mean I lose a couple hours of sleep, but it’s worth it for the thrill of playing it out in my head and then again in my phone notes.
The challenge, of course, is not to overthink it. Because that is when ideas go from exhilarating to scary. Worrying about how ideas will be perceived is a self-loathing exercise I try to avoid when possible, but it creeps in when I least expect it. The what-ifs. The I shouldn’ts. The I can’ts. These doubts jam a thumb tack into the balloon of possibility; I can almost hear the hssssssss sound of helium leaking out as my shoulders fall in resigned acceptance of the easy, accepted, “normal” path. Instead of a Hakuna Matata conga line, I’m suddenly dragging my sorry cat tail through the mud. And for what? For the person who might not appreciate my personal brand of wacknutery? But what about all the people that do? Anyway, it’s none of my business what other people think of me. Since I can’t change it, why does it matter?
It’s a new year and, in case you haven’t noticed, our energy, bravery, and enthusiasm for what could be is more vital than ever. We are flawed but mostly, we are loveable, so let’s keep the thumbtacks in the middle desk drawer, mmkay? Grab your ideas with both hands and raise them up! Let’s do this together.
I’m curious, when do your Brain Simbas come? And how do you keep the inner critic at bay? Share your tools so we can do this life thing better. And share this post with your favorite idea conjurer.
Adventure travel is one of my favorite types of Brain Simba, and I have a few excellent trips on the horizon this year. The San Miguel Writers’ Conference is February 12th-16th; it kicks off with John Irving and closes with Percival Everett. With a dash of Judy Reeves and a sprinkle of Brooke Warner, I knew I had to get there, and get there I will. Let me know if you’ll be there too or if you want a trinket from San Miguel. Tacos don’t travel well so make it non-perishable.
Tell all of your K-18 pals—Submissions are open for the amazing KidsWrite! children’s writing contest. Deadline is March 2nd at 11:55pm. It is free to submit to KidsWrite! Winners will be announced at the San Diego Writers Festival on April 5th, 2025.
To join me in making a tax-deductible donation to KidsWrite!, 100% of which goes toward prizes for the winners, go here. Make sure you click the box that says “use this donation for” and scroll down to KidsWrite!
As an Author Accelerator certified book coach, I love working with writers and coaching them through their stories. I currently have space for a couple more clients, so if you have a story you want to tell but aren’t sure if you can tell it, well, first let me say YES, YOU CAN AND SHOULD TELL YOUR STORY. Second, let’s talk about it. Reach out to me. It’s January, let’s do this.
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.” —Helen Keller
Seems like after I've been thinking or working on something then give myself a break--take a walk or a shower or do the dishes or water the plants--zap! A Baby Simba (I confess to not having seen "The Lion King.") Umm, think I'll take a pass on that new ice cream flavor.
Love this! The shower is where I get my baby Simbas. You are encouraging me to write those down.